Ryan is a coach for Croydon Colts participating in the Well London World Cup
Ryan is a coach of a youth team. He believes this is a great event and gives youths a positive outlet to enjoy sport and also be a positive member of the community. He says youths have a bad reputation, however, events like Well London World Cup give youths a chance to demonstrate how they can have a positive effect. He would like to thank the organizers for their work regarding this event and hopes there will be more events like this in the future.
For more details about World London Project, check out Spectacle blog site.
Film crew: XiXi Lao and Will Caine
Edited by Work Placment: Gary McQuiggin and XiXi Lao
Date: 19 June 2010
Location: Linford Christie Stadium
City: White City
Crew: XiXi, Will, Christina, & Greg
Organisation: Well London World Cup
Event: Interview
Original Format - colour, mini DV, 1:10 mins
Language versions - english
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