38th part of the Murray Bookchin interviews conducted by Mark Saunders in 1995. The project was to explore the development of Murray's politics through his personal experiences. Murray on his development of anarchist ideas.
Date: May 1995
Location: Burlington, Vermont, USA
City: Burlington, Vermont, USA
Original Format - colour, hi8, 21.5 mins
Language versions - english
Useful link: - http://www.spectacle.co.uk/...
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02:34:34:16 1930s Marxist-Leninist but Stalinism is counter revolutionary.
02:34:35:18 Not sorry that he went from Stalinism to Trotskyism
02:34:58:09 National anthem was the Internationale
Internationale music and lyrics
02:35:24:13 In an era like this one should be a Stalinist until one became sufficiently mature
02:36:10:01 Believes in the workers movement
02:37:34:11 Hungary was always involved in 1950s
02:37:49:02 Did not know what a national struggle and what was a social struggle, what was a class struggle and what was an attempt to resist Solvient imperialism
02:38:19:00 1970s, 1980s - following D-day, the amount of nuclear energy, nuclear bombs and fire power the bourgeoisie had they could hold the state
02:39:00:01 Talks about Louis XVI
Louis XVI- Brief information
02:39:22:15 Had to re-create a new political sphere counter to that of the state.
02:40:21:18 How was this to be created? How were they going to talk to a public? Conferences were held.
02:43:43:08 1971 wrote an article titled 'spring offenses and summer vacations' - it was a spoof on the new left.
02:45:16:01 Views about paying taxes
02:26:01:09 Creating a politic by engaging the society- using forms of the media
02:46:35:23 Being an anarchist- his views and thoughts.
02:47:14:02 Came to Paris during the May/ June event
May & June 1968 in France
02:48:49:22 Underground newspapers
02:49:18:03 Affinity groups unknown by the Americans
02:49:34:24 1970s Anti-Nuclear movement
Anti-Nuclear movement
02:51:31:14 Clamshell movement in new england
Clamshell Alliance
02:52:02:02 Anarchist do not go by consensus
02:53:00:19 The founding of the affinity groups. The introduction of affinity groups and consensus.
Affinity Groups
02:55:02:06 Autonomous society
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