Fifth part of the Murray Bookchin interviews conducted by Mark Saunders in 1995. The project was to explore the development of Murray's politics through his personal experiences.
Murray discribes his experience of the 1920's and 30's
Date: May 1995
Location: Burlington, Vermont, USA
City: Vermont
Crew: Mark Saunders
Original Format - colour, hi8, 8 mins
Language versions - english
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56:59 Proletarian Socialism
Petty-Bourgeois and Proletarian Socialism
Anarchism or Socialism
What is needed for Socialism?
57:07 Trade Unions
Declaration of Communist Workers Guard
57:18 Spanish Civil War Ending, Second world War Beginning
About the Spanish civil war
57:35 1920/30's Capitalism
The European Enlightenment Glossary
57:49 Stock market / Capitalism
New York Stock Exchange
57:59 American not a class society
Social Class in the United States
How to Save The Middle Class From Extinction
58:08 Lincoln
Biography Of Abraham Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln Research Site
58:20 Socialism/Communism/anarchism
58:43 American depression
The Great Depression
Great Drepression in the United States
Great Depression
American History - 1930 - 1939
Article: The Social History of an American Depression
Article: Unemployment, Inflation, and Wages in the American Depression: Are There Lessons for Europe?
58:59 Soviet Union, universal employment, Labour camps
Article: Soviet urban households and the road to universal employment, from the end of the 1930s to the end of the 1960s
Lecture 3: The Soviet Union
Work, Income and the State in Russia and the Soviet Union, 1900-2000
Gulag: Forced Labour Camps Online Exhibition
Soviet Gulags
59:30 consciousness
Class Struggle
59:45 American civil war
The American Civil War
American Civil War History Timelines
1:00:10 Marxism
Marxists Internet Archive
1:00:21 Labour mobilization/polarization
Article: Labour Market Polarization and Social Policy Reform
The Polarization Of The U.S. Labour Market
Book: Red Barcelona - Social Protest and Labour Mobilization in the Twentieth Century
1:00:32 Spanish Civil war
1:01:10 Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Biography Of Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt
Franklin Roosevelt Biography
1:01:41 Fascism populism
The People's Party
1:01:49 Huey Long
Huey Long - The Man, His Mission, His Legacy
Huey Long
Social Security Online - Huey Long
1:02:10 Polarization between fascists/populists and radicals
1:02:23 General Strikes
General Strikes
Memories of Glory; G.M. Strike Recalls Era When Cars Were Big, and So Was Union Power
1:02:35 Labour wars
1:03:02 Pre-industrial America
Book: The Origins of American Capitalism
Article: Families & Farms: Mentalite in Pre-Industrial America
1:03:30 Dustbowl Catastrophe - Grapes of wrath
The Dustbowl of America in the 1930's
A Critical Evaluation of the Dustbowl and its causes
The Grapes of Wrath
1:04:01 Political culture in America
1:04:19 Dispossession
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