Silwood Video Group

Professional Work with Spectacle


2007: Urban Walking Tour held on the 7th March on the Silwood Estate. This was a walk around Silwood followed by round table discussion. APaNGO.

2006: Waste Management Project for Planning Aid for London. Members of the group film alongside Spectacle.

2005: Canada Water Regeneration consultation day.

2005: August. Class X Web Clips for channel 4 TV Website. Members of SVG involved in the shooting and editing of a series 25 of web clips that ran along side C4’s series Unteachables.

2005: Marsh Farm Organisational Workshops. Members of the group film
workshops on Marsh Farm Estate, an NDC project.

2004: With age comes... Cabaret: Celebrating the lives and creativity of the older generation. This was a three camera shoot with loop. Supported by Age Concern and Brighton and Hove City Council and held in Brighton town centre at The Comedia Theatre.

2005: Class X Web Silwood Workshop.

2005: Class X Web Stockwell Workshop.

2005: Class X Web Kennington Workshop

2005: Marsh Farm Organisational Workshops

2005: Marsh Farm Organisational Workshops, Lutton

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