Active Archive

How to use the Active Archive

Navigating the Archive

The first step to using the active archive is locating your footage. We try to cross reference archive video to a project where possible so if you are involved with a specific project this may be the best place to start.

Spectacle Project Page.

Alternatively either the search bar or index to the right of the Archive window, can be used to seach its contents.

Viewing Online

If you have broadband connection you should be able to stream the video using the controls in the viewer. You may have to download the latest version Flash if this is not currently on you machine.

Depending on whether you wish to include one or more clips you may with to open multiple tabs or windows in your browser an interchange between these while you produce your paper edit.

Paper Edit

Begin by quoting the clip name and unique catalogue number, which can be found towards the botton of the archive page. If you are cutting between more than one clip, quote these first and reference them A, B, C etc. Be sure to include this before the BITC whenever you change clip.

Using the BITC to reference specific clips.

Eg. The above clip would be referenced:

Olympics Campaign Against Criminalising Communities - 2005

Catalogue No. LSF002 - BITC - en - pal
(which can be found on in the archive via this link)

Following this with:

00:24:49:00 - 00:25:04:00

Would instruct the editor to include the quote:

"The terrorism act 2000 alerted many people, especially those in migrant communities, that they would be targeted under these new powers."

Submitting your request

Submit your paper edit using the contact in the page footer, contact page or a specific project contact.


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