Residents comment on their experience of participating in urban regeneration of their neighbourhood.
French with English subtitles
St Josse, a densely populated inner city area of Brussels with large immigrant communities and high social deprivation was being regenerated. Residents were invited to participate in the "District Contract" scheme whose remit was to renovate a building for community use and to improve the small, busy square of Place Houwaert which was, until then, little more than a traffic island.
In this film, made two years after Call Me Josse residents who were involved in the participation reflect on the limitations and failures of the participatory process and suggest ways it could have been improved.
The residents had become disillusioned and most had given up having any meaningful or positive role in the process, suspecting that the real decisions had already been made in the town hall. By interviewing each member of the group at length and then asking them all to meet to discuss the editorial content the process of making this film brought the participants together again and re-galvanised and re-energised their group. Though they had sat in meetings together for years watching the unedited video was, in a way, the first time they had all listened to each other's motivations and hopes.
This film, therefore, is not only a critical record of that participation but an empowering tool of the process.
Call Me Josse is also available on DVD from Spectacle
En français: Des habitants sont invités à s'impliquer dans la rénovation de leur quartier. La caméra est partie prenante de ce processus. Elle en constitue l'archive mais devient aussi un outil d'élaboration d'une parole collective. Après "Call me Josse", après deux ans de discussions, les habitants posent un regard sur leur travail de participation et évaluent l'impact qu'il a pu avoir à ce stade, sur la prise de décision.
Auf Deutsch:Bewoners worden uitgenodigd om zich te betrekken in de renovatie van hun buurt. De camera is het middel van dit proces. Zij zorgt voor archivering, maar is eveneens een middel om collectief het woord te voeren. Na "Call me Josse", na twee jaren van discussie, hebben de bewoners een zicht op het werk dat ze verrichten en evalueren de eventuele impact die ze bereikten, op basis van beslissingen.
Producer: Plus Tôt Te Laat/ Spectacle/ habitants de Saint-Josse
Original Format: colour, DV cam, 18 mins
Language versions: english
If you would like to order a copy of this video, please select the version you are interested in, from the email links below. You can find out more information about ordering in the distribution section.
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Order Catalogue No. PART - vhs - en - pal via email
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