Spectacle Archive

Participation Conference Brussels - 2003


International Forum on Citizen Participation in Urban Policy Making in EU Member States.

The second and last Participation Conference.

Forum supported by the Belgian Ministry of Economy and Research in charge of policy.

Footage includes some of the workshops, with great quotes from residents like "We used to protest, now we just participate." and most of the keynote speeches.

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Date: 14 March 2003
Location: La Fonderie
City: Brussels
Event: Participation Conference
Scene 1: Conference Opening
Scene 2: Presentation on regeneration of Trinitat Nova Barcelona
Scene 3: - Bloomsbury Birmingham
Scene 4: - Plenary and closing speeches
Original Format - colour, mini DV, 180 mins
Language versions - english
Useful link: - http://www.hacer-europe.org

Ordering Information

If you would like to request a viewing copy of this video, please click the email link below. You can find out more information about ordering in the distribution section.
Order Catalogue No. BxlPC001 - BITC - en - pal via email

Further Details

The keynote speeches, which made clear that the progressive and positive proposals on citizen participation from the first conference were to be replaced with more local government (top down) control.

Clearly there had been some unilateral shifts in thinking at the top that the top should stay ..er..on top.

It was also clear that this was to be the last participation conference.

The upbeat tone at the beginning of the conference soon turned into a wake.

As people shuffled out there was a sense that in some way that we did not exactly understand we had served our purpose and were dismissed.

The report from the first conference is available on request.

Additional images

Click on the thumbnail images below to enlarge these still images from Participation Conference Brussels

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