Spectacle Projects

Information about Spectacle’s various projects, workshops and activities coming soon.

Current projects

Battersea Power Station: Selling an Icon

Thumbnail image for Battersea Power Station: Selling an Icon

Battersea Power Station: Selling an Icon tells the story of Battersea Power Station from its prominence as a site of industrial power through the years of dereliction, speculation and planning blight to the replacement of the chimneys under the current scheme - a key example of developer-led preservation. 

Bookchin On Bookchin

Thumbnail image for Bookchin On Bookchin

The compelling story of Murray Bookchin an American political thinker, philosopher, writer, social ecologist and anarchist.

The project explores the development of Murray Bookchin's political and philosophical thought through biographical video clips.

Filmed at Bookchin's home in Vermont in 1995


Shaker Aamer: A Decade of Injustice

Thumbnail image for Shaker Aamer: A Decade of Injustice

Shaker Aamer is one of the 171 men still held in detention in Guantanamo Bay on the camp's 10th anniversary. Despite never having had a trial, having been approved for release twice, and a growing number of people from all walks of life campaigning for him, Shaker remains in detention. His physical and mental health deterioration is a prevalent concern.

The Siege of Sidney Street

Thumbnail image for The Siege of Sidney Street

To mark the centenary year of The Siege of Sidney Street, Spectacle are entering into development of a co-production with Latvian partners; Bruno Ascuks and Lauris Gundars and 'Peter the Painter' expert Phil Ruff.



Past projects

Battersea Power Station

Thumbnail image for Battersea Power Station

Spectacle has been following the story of Battersea Power Station, as it is handed from one developer to another, each submitting plan after plan for the iconic building's future and interim 'repairs'

With archive dating back to 1978 and interviews with Battersea Power Station Community Group members (with whom Spectacle have a close working relationship), London Assembly member Richard Tracy and Lord Alf Dubs.

Life Outside

Participatory media project produced with young people with experience of custody about life after leaving prison.

Rostock - Lichtenhagen: 20 Years Later

Thumbnail image for Rostock - Lichtenhagen: 20 Years Later


Spectacle is currently looking for project partners and funding for a project that will look back at the pograms in Lichtenhagen almost 20 years ago. The pictures of police withdrawing as fascists threw petrol bombs at a refugee centre and the home of Vietnamese guest workers, setting the house ablaze, while 3000 spectators stood by and clapped, went around the world.

In 1992 Speactacle with the Jakow Videocoop produced the documentary The Truth Lies in Rostock(see Die Wahrheit Liegt in Rostock for the German version), released in 1993. Only recently the German version was screened at the Festival Contre le Racisme.

In addition to the documentary, we have exclusive footage that has never been published, including interviews with one of the Vietnamese labourers, who was trapped in the burning house.

Through film workshops Spectacle would like to encourage diverse groups to start a dialogue about these events, but also about concerns we are facing at present.



Spectacle sucht zur Zeit nach Projektpartnerschaften und -förderung für ein Projekt im Rückblick auf das Progrom von Lichtenhagen vor fast 20 Jahren. Die Bilder von der sich zurückziehenden Polizei, während Faschisten ein Flüchtlingswohheim und das angrenzende Wohnhaus vietnamesischer Vertragsarbeiter mit Molotow Cocktails bombardieren und in Brand setzen, während Tausende Beifall klatschen, gingen damals um die ganze Welt.

1992 produzierte Spectacle zusammen mit der JAKO Videocoop den Dokumentarfilm Die Wahrheit Liegt in Rostock (siehe The Truth Lies in Rostock für die englische Version), der 1993 veröffentlich wurde. Erst kürzlich wurde der Film beim Festival Contre le Racisme gezeigt.

Neben dem Dokumentarfilm vefügen wir über exklusives Filmmaterial, das nie veröffentlich wurde, einschließlich eine Interviews mit einem der vietnamesischen Arbeiter, der damals im brennenden Haus eingeschlossen wurde.

Spectacle will durch Film Workshops diverse Gruppen zum Dialog ueber diese Ereignisse, aber auch ueber heutige Anliegen, anregen.




Thumbnail image for Micronomics

Micronomics investigates an understanding of small scale self-organised (micro-)initiatives and whether the economy has room for them.

The film considers their potential to challenge the dominant definition of 'the economy' and implication, when the value created and exchanged is of social nature

Eco Towns and Villages

Thumbnail image for Eco Towns and Villages

Spectacle are currently looking into the concept of 'Eco Towns and Villages' following on from previous projects focused on planning and re-building. The idea of the Eco Town is to coincide with being environmentally friendly and going green but at what cost?

LONDON - DELHI 2010-2012

Thumbnail image for LONDON - DELHI 2010-2012

London-Delhi 2010-2012 is a digital arts collaboration between artists and young people in London and Delhi, creating and sharing contemporary stories of their two cities.

Spectacle was part of the Arts Lab, running a walking tour for visiting students and local organisations and leading the production of the film 'Riverfront' with local youth.

Poverty and Participation in the Media

Thumbnail image for Poverty and  Participation in the Media

Poverty and Participation in the Media is a participatory media project examining how the media treats poverty and those affected:

Looking at opportunity and exclusion; representation, stigmatisation and stereotyping. With the wealth gap on the increase and virtual segregation of the classes creating urban ghettos - Does the media influence bridge or increase the divide?

Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo

Thumbnail image for Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo

New documentary telling the story of Guantánamo: torture, extraordinary rendition and secret prisons. Examining how the Bush administration turned its back on domestic and international law, rounding up prisoners in Afghanistan and Pakistan without adequate screening and often for large bounty payments. Focusing on prisoners, Shaker Aamer, Binyam Mohamed and Omar Deghayes, 'Outside the Law: Stories from Guantánamo' is a powerful rebuke to the myth that Guantánamo holds “the worst of the worst”.

Silwood Video Group

Thumbnail image for Silwood Video Group

The Silwood video group is a constituted group Spectacle started in 2001.
Since its inception, this extraordinary and unique group has had approximately 200 people through its doors from the ages of 6 to 70 and worked on a wide range of video projects about the regeneration of the neighbourhood.

Well London

Thumbnail image for Well London

Well London is a 5 year partnership programme which invests in community-led projects that promote mental health and well-being, healthy eating, access to open spaces and physical activity

Spectacle are the media partner for the programme, documenting the activity and themes and supporting resident led films about each of the 20 focus areas.

London Olympics 2012

Thumbnail image for London Olympics 2012

Spectacle have been following the development of the London 2012 Olympic Games since the early bid stages.

Examining how the mega event has been used to usurp land and questioning the principles of regeneration, gentrification and the legacy promises with which this is defended.

Speak Out Against Discrimination

Thumbnail image for Speak Out Against Discrimination

Anti-discrimination campaign video commissioned by the Council of Europe. Using visual metaphor, 'The Glass Ceiling' was a call to action that sought to cross language barriers across Europe and Russia, highlighting individual responsibility to 'Speak Out Against Discrimination'. The project page documents the development of the project from concept through the post-production stages.

Charlton Athletic FC Workshops

Thumbnail image for Charlton Athletic FC Workshops

Spectacle ran a set of 6 workshops in and around Charlton Athletic FC. for a group of young people from the local area. The group were taught to use camera, audio and lighting equipment and put their new skills to use filming the Charlton Athletic Ladies' Football Team in training.

Class X

Thumbnail image for Class X

Class X was made for Channel Four Online in connection with the TV series ‘The Unteachables’. Contributing to the discourse on education from perspective of the students. Despite its tabloid title the series "Unteachables" was a very well received contribution to the debate on education and exclusion.


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The 'Impact' initiative is part of environmental regeneration charity Groundwork London's Climate Change Youth Ambassadors Programme which aims to enable 16-25 year olds across London to actively engage in environmental issues within their communities as well as providing skills training. The programme was also co-funded by Interreg IV.



About our work


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Spectacle is a partner in APaNGO (Advocacy, Participation and Non Governmental Organisations in planning). It aims to increase community involvement in planning and to undertake a study into community involvement in planning in the North Western European (project partner) countries. These are UK, The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany and Luxembourg.

Community-led Investigative Journalism

Thumbnail image for Community-led Investigative Journalism

Community media does not have to be marginal.

Getting to the truth with the local insight granted by participatory media can capture events from which the most tenacious journalist is excluded

Despite TV

Thumbnail image for Despite TV

Despite TV was a video co-operative founded by Mark Saunders in 1982. The group operated out of Thap Bookshop on Whitechapel Rd East London producing a Video Magazine for Tower Hamlets, Hackney and Newham. Despite TV also produced the highly acclaimed "Battle of Trafalgar" on the poll tax demonstration for Channel 4.


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Spectacle specialise in documentary production focusing on civil liberty, racism, homophobia and social justice, urbanism, regeneration and gentrification.

Participatory Media

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Participatory media is a Key element of Spectacle's practice.

Born out of the video cooperative, Despite TV, Spectacle have set up a number of other groups with whom we still working. Partipatory practices are also an important element to a number of our projects.

Spectacle Newsletter

Keep up to date with what Spectacle is working on by subscribing to our newsletters

Video in the City

Thumbnail image for Video in the City

Video in the City: Possibilities for Transformation in the Urban Space by B. S Ezgi Sarıtas; MA European Urban Cultures Polis Thesis; 2006-2007.

Spectacle are one of three case studies used in the thesis, alongside our Brussels partners PTTL and Karahaber in Ankara.

What we offer


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Information about our workshop-based video, media and filmmaking training courses, designed to equip organisations or individuals with technical knowledge and practical skills.  The courses we offer cover all aspects of pre-production, production and post-production. Our emphasis on participatory media, urbanism and social justice can also be drawn upon in these sessions.

Work Placements

Spectacle run a 20 day voluntary placement programme for which anyone is welcome to apply, you can register you interest via the contact page. We have also been involved in European extended learning exchange programmes.


Active Archive

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The Active Archive is part of the participatory process.

BITC clips are uploaded to the web archive enabling involvement with editorial decisions from a wide range of stakeholders.

Japanese info 日本語ページ

Thumbnail image for Japanese info 日本語ページ

This section of the site contains information about Spectacle translated to Japanese by Hideto Sakai.


Spectacle Blog

Thumbnail image for Spectacle Blog

The Spectacle Blog is a forum which allows extended discussion about current and past projects inviting people to participate in their development and  comment on some of the themes and issues that they explore.

Workshop Tools

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These workshop tools are a collection of useful files, software and links for use in media workshops, including camera instructions, manuals and "how to" info, logging sheets and instructions, model contracts and constitutions, ideas on organisation.

© 2004 - 2025 Spectacle Productions Ltd.   |   tel: +44 (0)20 7223 6677   |   e: info@spectacle.co.uk