Residents visiting the building site of their promised Community Centre
Dear Richard Southall,
I am writing on behalf of residents and Lewington Centre users.
Re your letter 20th Sept 2012 distributed to Silwood residents:
1- Was this letter circulated to all Silwood residents? If not why not?
2- Can you outline the process and mechanisms by which you ” regularly consult with residents” ?
3- How did the residents identify the priorities you cite and how many responded?
4- How and when are you going to “make available opportunities for local people to give us their views about our services”?
5- Does the new use of the Lewington Centre comply with the funding agreements between L&Q and Lewisham Council?
6- Does the new use of the Lewington Centre comply with the funding agreements between L&Q and Southwark Council?
7- Please can you forward Lewington Centre business plan and accounts for years 2010/11 and 2011/12
8- The SIlwood Community Centre Business Plan April 09-Aug 09 shows profits of £65,244 ( 08/09) 47,366 (09/10). Where do these profits go?
9- The income from the 25 flats above the Lewington Centre is meant to go towards community use of the centre. Is this the case?
10- When did L&Q agree with BEC re use of the Lewington Centre? Please can we see a contract.
We would appreciate a written response to these questions.
I thank you in advance for your prompt response.
Dear Mr Saunders
Re: The Lewington Centre, 9 Eugenia Road SE16 2RU
I write in response to the issues raised in your email of 7 November 2012 the contents of which are noted. I have structured my response to address each of the ten separate issues raised.
1. The letter dated 20 September 2012 was hand delivered to all residents (irrespective of Landlord or tenure) living on the estate. In addition to this the letter was also delivered to those Southwark homes located in St Helena Road adjacent to the centre.
2. L&Q undertakes, through an independent market research company monthly resident satisfaction surveys designed to test satisfaction with existing services and opportunities for residents to express their personal priorities. This information helps to inform our forward strategies. These randomly selected candidates can number up to 570 surveys each month.
3. Through the independent surveys described in two above.
4. In addition to the process previously described we undertake localised surveys at L&Q organised events and projects. Those engaging in these activities are given an opportunity to complete a feedback form that also asks them to identify their individual priorities. This information also helps to shape our future strategies.
5. Lewisham are satisfied with arrangements at the centre.
6. There are no outstanding financial agreements between L&Q and Southwark in relation to the centre.
7. These will be made available, on request from London Borough of Lewisham.
8. All generated income supports the operational upkeep of the centre and on-going service delivery.
9. As above
10. BEC have rented space at the centre since October 2011. It is not appropriate to disclose contractual details to a third party.
I hope the above is of assistance to you and I appreciate your concerns surrounding the running and use of the Lewington Centre, however I can assure you that this centre is run completely in line with our policies and procedures and any agreements we have with third parties.
Kind Regards
Richard Southall
Please leave a comment if you have any remarks, further questions or suggestions regarding this issue.
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