Nederlanders! Help de documentaire BOOKCHIN ON BOOKCHIN bestaan!

BOOKCHIN ON BOOKCHIN is een onafhankelijke documentaire over het leven en de tijd waarin de Amerikaanse politiek denker Murray Bookchin leefde. Hij heeft geschiedenis geschreven als de grondlegger van de sociale ecologische beweging. Ons doel is om een film te maken dat in de diepte onderzoekt welke invloeden en ervaringen hebben geholpen om een van de meest unieke en onderscheidende denkbeelden in de modern politiek te vormen.

De documentaire zal de ontwikkelingen op het gebied van Murray’s politiek denken onderzoeken die zijn gevormd door zijn persoonlijke ervaringen. Al zijn ideeën zijn vast gelegd op uren van film, een paar jaar voordat hij stierf, door film maker Mark Saunders. Wij hebben toegang tot onschatbare informatie dat ondermeer bestaat uit exclusieve interviews die zijn gefilmd in zijn huis in Vermont en zijn laatste openbare optreden in Montreal. Murray was terughouden in deelname aan alles dat met persoonlijkheid verheerlijking te maken had, maar zijn biografie dekt cruciale momenten in de ontwikkelingen van radicale politieke activiteiten en plaatst de latere ontwikkelingen in zijn leven en de stroming ‘Sociale Ecologie’ in context.

Wij zijn bezig met het maken van de film, maar hebben uw hulp nodig om het af te maken. Hartelijk dank voor het bezoeken van onze pagina en we hopen dat u het interessant vindt wat u vindt. Mocht u het net als ons een waardevol project vinden, uw donatie wordt zeer op prijs gesteld en brengt ons einddoel een stukje dichterbij. Dank u wel!

Mark Saunder is een prijswinnende onafhankelijke film maker, media activist en schrijver. Zijn expertise dekt ruim twee decennia. Momenteel is hij eigenaar van Spectacle Productions. Spectacle Productions is een onafhankelijk media productie bedrijf gevestigd in London. Wij zijn begaan met maatschappelijke problemen en ontwikkelingen en onze films zijn bestaan uit een uiteenlopend aantal onderwerpen. Kijk voor meer informatie op onze website.

Klanten van Spectacle zijn onder andere: Amnesty International, Channel 4, the Rowntree Foundation, the Howard League for Penal Reform en vele anderen.

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Bookchin on Bookchin needs your support!

Our second update on the the workers movement and social domination. Murray Bookchin’s concerns and thoughts on oppression.

Watch the second update clip here!

Please contribute to this important project.

Spread the word, tell your friends and colleagues, share our video on Facebook, blog about the project and Tweet. Anything you can do to help spread the word will be of tremendous service and is enourmously appreciated. If you can’t spare any money, then share your thoughts. All feedback and comments are more than welcome.
You can reach us at Feel free to email us with any questions or comments you have. We know how important it is to have all your questions answered, so just get in touch and ask away! We’ll answer all emails promptly.

Visit our Indiegogo page and support!


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Help Spectacle’s documentary BOOKCHIN ON BOOKCHIN happen!


The compelling story of an American political thinker, philosopher, writer, social ecologist and anarchist.

Bookchin’s story can and should be told to the world. And you can be a part of this project. Support BOOKCHIN ON BOOKCHIN during our Indiegogo campaign and help us reach our goal and beyond!

BOOKCHIN ON BOOKCHIN is an independent feature-length documentary about the life and times of American political thinker Murray Bookchin, who made history as the founder of the social ecology movement. Our aim is to make a film that deeply explores the influences and experiences that have helped shape one of the most unique and distinctive voices in modern political thinking. The documentary will explore the development of Murray’s politics through his personal experiences, drawing off hours and hours of filming. We have been granted unparalleled access to Bookchin, including exclusive interview footage at his home in Vermont and his final public appearance in Montreal. Murray was reticent to engage in anything that smacked of the personality cult but his biography covers key points in the development of radical politics and sets in context the “Social Ecology” of his later life. We are in the process of making the film, but need your help in order to complete it. Thanks for visiting our page and we hope you enjoy what you find!

”Perhaps the most compelling real fact that radicals in our era have not adequately faced is the fact that capitalism today has become a society, not only an economy” Bookchin 1991.

Murray Bookchin (1921-2006) was a pioneer of the ecology movement, and was a significant social theorist on the Left throughout his life. He was an anti-capitalist and an advocate for the decentralization of society along ecological and democratic lines. He called for alternative energies and wrote prophetically about pesticides, cancer and obesity. His writing on anarchism, specially his 1971 book Post-Scarcity Anarchism, lifted and sustained the movement from the 19th century into the 21st century. His life paralleled major American and international events, such as the Great Depression, World War II, the Vietnam War and the counterculture movement. We’ll ask how a large part of the 20th century, with all that’s come and gone, has helped shape his thoughts and theories. In 2006 Bookchin died after a long and active life as a revolutionary, being deeply involved in the labor movement, in the civil rights movement, in urban activism, and in Green politics. In 1974 he co-founded the Institute for Social Ecology. In 1992 the british newspaper The Independent, referred to him as ”the foremost Green philosopher of the age.” It called his 1982 book The Ecology of Freedom one of the ”classic statements of contemporary anarchism.”

His books include Our Synthetic Environment, The Spanish Anarchists, Towards an  Ecological Society, The Ecology of Freedom and The Limits of the City.

The director of BOOKCHIN ON BOOKCHIN is Mark Saunders, an award-winning independent film-maker, media activist and writer. His expertise in the field spans over two decades. He is currently running Spectacle Productions, an independent London-based production company which he founded in 1990. Clients include Amnesty International, Channel 4, the Rowntree Foundation, the Howard League for Penal Reform and many others. Previous film credits include: The Truth Lies in Rostock, The Battle of Trafalgar, Exodus from Babylon and Despite the City. His films have been broadcast internationally and exhibited at galleries, including Tate Britain, the National Film Theatre, the Institute of Contemporary Art, Musee des Beaux-Arts,  the National Media Museum and the Photographers Gallery. 

Why should you help us make this movie?
We think it’s important that Murray Bookchin is preserved on film; sharing his thoughts, telling us his stories and showing us a side of himself very few people have had the opportunity to see. You are supporting a truly independent documentary about a remarkable man who believed political movement at a local level was necessary, anticipating the global protests that have since swept our screens. This past year alone, the Arab Spring, the Occupy Movement, environmental and student protests worldwide have demanded change. In a climate of pervading political and social dissatisfaction, Murray’s thoughts and theories have as much resonance today as they did back then.

Murray Bookchin was a  theorist of the anti-globalisation movement before its time, an ecological visionary, an advocate for direct action and a polemicist. He believed in the unconventional, the non-traditional, hence us looking for a funding platform that allows us the independence and freedom to make a documentary faithful to ours and Murray’s vision. Indiegogo provided just this; it made it possible to reach out to Murray Bookchin followers all over the world. On the right you’ll see the pledge levels with corresponding rewards. You can donate to our documentary and in return receive some fantastic rewards. We have a project we believe in and now need your help to make it a reality! 

How your contribution will help

We are an independent non-profit group and all funding and support will be used to cover production costs for our film. We’ve had no commissioning money and no access to conventional funding. Every dollar we raise will go towards:

* Post-production Editing and Mastering.

* We have hours and hours of exclusive footage and the only way to finish this film (and give it that award-winning touch) is to hire an editor to work on it full time. This will include Color Correction and Sound Mixing.

* Music rights.

* Archive material – we need to cover the huge costs of acquiring licensing rights to what we consider key historical moments, significant elements to his story.

Marketing, promotion and awareness.

* To organize and host local screenings and to submit the work to world-class festivals.

Our fundraising goal has been set at the minimum level at which we can make this documentary. We would like to raise a lot more than that because all the money will go to making the film that much better. Should we exceed our goal, rest assured that the money will go straight into the film. Please lend you support. Every extra penny helps!

Other ways you can help
Spread the word, tell your friends and colleagues, share our video on Facebook, blog about the project and Tweet. Anything you can do to help spread the word will be of tremendous service and is enourmously appreciated.  If you can’t spare any money, then share your thoughts. All feedback and comments are more than welcome.
You can reach us at Feel free to email us with any questions or comments you have. We know how important it is to have all your questions answered, so just get in touch and ask away! We’ll answer all emails promptly.

Visit our Indiegogopage and support!

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Accuser les victimes: La version française de La Vérité Meurt à Rostock ressort en DVD

Rostock, ville portuaire d’ancienne Allemagne de l’Est, un week-end de l’été 1992; face à des conditions économiques rudes et un taux de chômage grimpant, de jeunes néo-fascistes s’amassent en bas de barres d’HLM dans le quartier isolé de Lichtenhagen et tournent leurs frustrations vers un groupes de travailleurs immigrés. La nuit tombée, la tension monte et les perturbateurs empoignent des pavés pour briser les vitres de l’immeuble, visant en particulier le refuge des demandeurs d’asiles (en grande partie originaire du Vietnam).

Les émeutes dureront trois jours, jusqu’à l’incendie du refuge au cocktail Molotov par les émeutiers, provoquant l’évacuation de ses habitants. La réaction de la police est inadaptée, presque conciliante envers les néonazis; sans intervenir franchement, les policiers encadrent les violences pour éviter les débordements, mais aucune arrestation n’a lieu. De la même manière, près de 3000 spectateurs assistent aux événements, certains en tant qu’observateurs passifs, d’autres apportant leur soutien aux casseurs en applaudissant leurs actes. Durant ce long week-end, une manifestation antifasciste est organisée par des habitants de Rostock; les forces de l’ordre préféreront arrêter ces pacifistes plutôt que les insurgés néonazis. Résultat : 60 des 80 individus détenus au cours du dimanche soir sont des manifestants antiracistes.

Juste après les émeutes, le parti Démocrate Chrétien modifie la Constitution et une des lois piliers de l’après seconde guerre mondiale, rendant désormais possible l’exclusion des démendeurs d’asile politiques  hors du sol Allemand. Plutot que de s’en prendre aux causes des événements de Liechtenhagen, les hommes politiques se sont attaqués aux victimes; après avoir eu leurs habitations temporaires pillées et incendiées, les travailleurs immigrés vietnamiens se trouve désormais menacés de déportation.

La Vérité Meurt à Rostock montre les évènements de ce pogrom de manière chronologique, tels qu’ils se sont déroulés. Des images amateurs filmées par les immigrés, barricadés dans leurs appartements, témoignent de l’agressivité ambiante; elles sont accompagnées de séquences au plus proche des violences, tournées de nuit par les réalisateurs du documentaire Marc Saunders et Siobhan Leary. Enfin, des interviews exclusives avec des participants aux émeutes, des réfugiés et des membres de la police présentent un tableau complet de la situation, des mentalités, et permettent au téléspectateur de mesurer la portée du racisme dans une Allemagne à peine réunifiée. Le documentaire, commandé par la chaîne Anglaise Channel 4, est un parfait exemple de journalisme d’investigation basé sur l’expertise d’une communauté.

Problèmes liés à l’immigration, contexte de frustration générale aboutissant à la montée des extrêmes, inefficacité ou indifférences des forces publiques, les questions abordées dans ce film sont autant de thèmes qui resurgissent actuellement dans les débats publics en Europe. Compte tenu des résultats records du Front National au premier tour des élections présidentielles, rééditer  La Vérité Meurt à Rostock en 2012 en France prend tout son sens. Loin d’être comparable d’un point de vue politique, des parallèles peuvent êtres tracés entre les angoisses et les tensions de 1992, et les préoccupations populaires d’aujourd’hui.

À l’occasion du vingtième anniversaire des émeutes de Rostock, Spectacle Productions ressort la version française de La Vérité Meurt à Rostock. Le DVD d’une heure vingt est disponible en vente ici.

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