20 Jahre Rostock-Lichtenhagen

Der 20. Jahrestag der Pogromnaechte von Rostock-Lichtenhagen ist Anlass fuer zahlreiche Veranstaltungen und Projekte in Deutschland. Unter anderem wird mit Filmvorfuehrungen der Dokumentation “Die Wahrheit liegt in Rostock“, an die Ereignisse erinnert.

Im August 1992 griffen Neonazis und Bewohner die Zentrale Aufnahmestelle fuer AsylbewerberInnen, sowie ein benachbartes Wohnheim fuer vietnamesische VertragsarbeiterInnen an. Ueber drei Tage dauerten die rassistischen Ausschreitungen. Schaulustige applaudierten als das Wohnheim schliesslich in Brand gesteckt wurde. Die Polizei sah weitgehend tatenlos zu. Nur Wochen nach den Übergriffen wurde im Bundestag das Grundrecht auf Asyl abgeschafft.

Die Filmproduktion “Die Wahrheit liegt in Rostock” entstand 1993 mit Hilfe von Menschen, die sich zum Zeitpunkt der Ereignisse im attackierten Wohnheim befanden. Der Film beinhaltet unter anderem Interviews mit vietnamesischen VertragsarbeiterInnen, der Polizei, AnwohnerInnen, Neonazis und AntifaschistInnen. Er zeichnet nach, wie die Stimmung auch durch behördliche Maßnahmen angeheizt wurde und untersucht, warum die Polizei während der Pogrome drei Tage lang komplett untätig blieb.

Bereits Anfang Mai diesen Jahres haben sich die Macher der Rostocker Zeitschrift “Stadtgespraeche” mit dem bevorstehenden Jahrestag im August beschaeftigt. Mit Hilfe einer Crowdfunding-Initiative wurde genug Geld aufgebracht, um 10.000 DVD-Exemplare von “Die Wahrheit liegt in Rostock” zu produzieren. Anfang August wurden die DVDs kostenlos an Haushalte in Rostock verteilt.


Leipzig: Thu, 09.08.2012, 20.00 Uhr

Bremen: Sa, 11.08.2012, 18.00 Uhr

Hamburg: Su, 12.08.2012, 20.00 Uhr

Dresden: Wed, 15.08.2012, 21.00 Uhr

Kassel: Thu, 16.08.2012, 19.30 Uhr

Uelzen: Wed, 22.08.2012, 18.30 Uhr

Bruchsal: Wed, 05.09.2012, 18.30 Uhr


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20 years Rostock-Lichtenhagen

Screenings of the documentary “The Truth lies in Rostock” are scheduled for the next few weeks in Germany to remember the pogroms in Rostock-Lichtenhagen 20 years ago.

In August 1992 Neo-Nazis and local people attacked the Central Refugee Shelter, as well as an apartment complex, where Vietnamese contract workers lived . The riot lasted over three days and was the worst mob attack against foreigners in postwar Germany. Stones and  petrol bombs were thrown at the apartment block and neighbours applauded when it finally caught fire. The police took hardly any actions to prevent these events. Only a few weeks after the racist attacks the German government abolished the right of asylum.

The Rostocker newspaper “Stadtgespraeche” has already commemorate the upcoming anniversary earlier this year. Thanks to a crowdfunding initative they were able to collect enough money to produce 10,000 free copies of “The Truth lies in Rostock”. At the beginning of August volunteers distributed the DVD to households in Rostock.


Leipzig: Thu, 09.08.2012, 20.00 Uhr

Bremen: Sa, 11.08.2012, 18.00 Uhr

Hamburg: Su, 12.08.2012, 20.00 Uhr

Dresden: Wed, 15.08.2012, 21.00 Uhr

Kassel: Thu, 16.08.2012, 19.30 Uhr

Uelzen: Wed, 22.08.2012, 18.30 Uhr

Bruchsal: Wed, 05.09.2012, 18.30 Uhr


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Šis pētījums par mazzināmu mūsu vēstures lappusi — latviešu anarhistiem un dažādu it kā nesaistītu notikumu brīžiem dīvainajām kopsakarībām, kas lielā mērā noteica 19. gs. beigu — 20. gs. sākuma situāciju gan Latvijā, gan Eiropā, — savu pirmizdevumu 2012. gada augustā piedzīvo tulkojumā latviešu valodā. Par šo darbu jāpateicas ne tikai autora pētnieka dzinulim un viņa sievai Irēnai, bet arī visiem daudzajiem cilvēkiem Latvijā un pasaulē, kuri kopš 80. gadu beigām palīdzēja “dzīt pēdas” vienam no slavenākajiem gadsimta sākuma Londonas biediem — Pēterim Mālderim.
“Aizraujošā sāga par nenotveramā latviešu anarhista gaitām veido vien stāsta virskārtu. Zem tās — skaudras atklāsmes par politiskās varas un vardarbības ciešo saikni, par līdzekļiem, kuru izvēle pazudina viscēlākos mērķus, par pelniem, uz kuriem piedzima Latvijas valsts.”
Vents Zvaigzne, žurnāls “Ilustrētā Zinātne”

Grāmatas autors Filips Rufs dzimis 1952. gadā Birmingemā. Vēstures pētīšanai pievērsies jau 70. un 80. gados, darbojoties starptautiskajā kustībā “Anarhistu Melnais krusts”, kas savā ziņā ir ietekmējis autora skatījumu uz “Pētera Māldera” un latviešu anarhistu darbības motīviem. Autors savulaik darbojies vairākos anarhistu izdevumos (Black Flag, Z-Revue, The Cienfuegos Press Anarchist Review, Anarchy Magazine), vēlāk strādājis labdarības organizācijā, kas nodrošina pakalpojumus veciem cilvēkiem. Anarhisma tēmai veltīti arī iepriekšējie Filipa Rufa publicētie darbi.

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Heavy rain puts the Pringle to the test..


‘The pringle’, the nickname for the new London velodrome where Olympic cyclists race this summer, has sprung into the headlines for having “minor leaks” in its roof due to the “heavy rain” England has been experiencing these past weeks, as confirmed by a London 2012 spokesman.

This announcement leads us to question the quality of the Olympic ‘legacy’.

In the end, what we really need to be grateful for, is that it rarely rains in England…

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Free Talha Ahsan – Evening of Music, Comedy and Enlightenment


Talha Ahsan was arrested from his house in Tooting on 19th July 2006. Ever since that day he has remained in prison despite never having been charged. For the past six years his friends and family have been protesting tirelessly for his release. Ahsan is now awaiting extradition to the US.

Please join an evening of music, comedy and enlightenment as support for the campaign to free Talha Ahsan.

Date: Saturday September 8th
Venue: Rich Mix, 35-47 Bethnal Green Rd, E1
Entrance Fee: Minimal (check website)

For more info please visit

For more information on a similar story of injustice, check out the links below which show Shaker Aamer‘s story and fight to be released from Guantánamo.

Here is a link to view Spectacle’s film ‘Shaker Aamer: A Decade of Injustice‘ or you can buy the film here.

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Battersea Power Station – Sale agreed but not signed

According to a source in English Heritage, the Malaysian consortium (Sime Darby, SP Setia and Employees Provident Fund) who have agreed to buy Battersea Power Station have not actually signed the contract – so it is not too late to change their minds.


One of the iconic images of the power station - Pink Floyd's Animals


A recent announcement of a predicted 30% fall in the London property prices is just one of the reasons why the consortium and it’s shareholders may want to think again.

Reading the Asian press, it doesn’t seem like the consortium, or at least their shareholders, actually realise the costs, limitations and responsibilities involved in buying a grade II listed building.

Press release articles surrounding the sale refer vaguely to ‘possible preservation‘ of the power station, with talk of merely ‘motivator profit‘ and also of the potential of a ‘400m river front‘ that seems to completely ignore the power station itself, and indeed the smelly waste disposal unit situated directly on the river front in question.

The power station features heavily in London’s iconography, recently throughout the London 2012 Olympics with James Bond and Her Majesty taking a flight over it in the Opening Ceremony, and also it features as one of the ‘London Landmarks’ . Hopefully this renewed pride of Londoners will force English Heritage to awake from it’s slumber and move into action insisting on repairs to Battersea Power Station, which could potentially be extremely expensive.



Nick Cuff, chairman of Planning at Wandsworth Borough Council spoke at the Future of Battersea event (Southbank University, 26th July), claiming that the Northern Line extension would probably not be funded by the developer but by central Government as part of its infrastructure investment programme. Interestingly, the major reason cited by REO (the previous developers) for having significantly less than the required 50% affordable housing was precisely because they were having to contribute to the tube line extension. So SP Setia and Sime Darby need to factor in the 50% affordable housing into their new development plans.

It has also been reported that the consortium will adopt the Vinoly plan, but this does not seem to make sense. Why would they take on such an implausible and previously failed scheme? The greedy and expensive Vinoly plan justified being so densely developed in order to recoup the costs of transport infrastructure – so that too can be challenged if the taxpayer is expected to foot the Northern Line extension costs.

So despite the attempts by Wandsworth Borough Council to present the change of ownership as a seamless continuation of the old Battersea Power Station development started by REO in fact everything is up for grabs again. The new owners and their share holders could find themselves with a completely unviable scheme and a PR disaster. Crassly developing or neglecting this much loved building could result in the new owners being the most despised developers in London.

Its not too late for the consortium to change their mind. Their share holders should be asking- do they know what they have let themselves in for?



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Letter to English Heritage from Battersea Power Station Community Group on future plans


Keith Garner has written the letter below on behalf of the Battersea Power Station Community Group (BPSCG) to English Heritage. It outlines their proposal to purchase the monumental building for £1 and then their community driven plans for the future of the station.


12th June 2012
Dr Edward Impey
English Heritage
1 Waterhouse Square
138 – 142 Holborn
London EC1N 2ST

Dear Edward,


Thank you for calling me last week to discuss Battersea Power Station following our recent letter to Kay Andrews asking her for a meeting. It was good to hear from you again of course, but I was disappointed to hear that Kay Andrews is not able to see us, and that English Heritage does not think it has a role to play in resolving this long-standing issue at this time.

As has been EH’s policy in recent times, you are leaving it to others to come up with solutions. Our most recent initiative – one of many over the last 29 years – was to propose to the administrators to divide Battersea Power Station itself from the South Lambeth Goods Yard site (acquired by John Broome), placing the former in a trust with an endowment, and selling the latter to pay the creditors. The Battersea Power Station Company – a charitable trust we set up in 2002 – offered £1 to take over the building and to open it to the public in the short term. We discussed this last week when you agreed that this sounded like a plausible approach.

Other organisations have also been active in bringing forward initiatives. In April, the Twentieth Century Society organised a symposium to discuss the future of the building. One of the key points of consensus to emerge was desirably of some form of trust ownership, which prompted us to make our bid. Other than the Survey of London personnel, I don’t think English Heritage was represented at the symposium. This was unfortunate, as you would also have seen a very interesting scheme for the building and surrounding area put forward by Marcus Binney of SAVE and Graham Morrison of Allies & Morrison.

The scheme develops ideas in SAVE’s 1981 report (which Graham Morrison also worked on) proposing an amphitheatre in the central boiler house space. This would be unroofed initially using temporary seating similar to that proposed for Olympic events, e.g. A&M’s scheme for Greenwich Park. Longer term, the intention would be to roof the space (an unroofed space would not be a good neighbour in the longer term) and to re-inhabit other parts of the building. Meanwhile the development of the surrounding site would commence.

The scheme would achieve many of the things Battersea Power Station Community Group has advocated over the years. It allows public access to Battersea Power Station. It proposes a sensible phased refurbishment of the building itself and the site around, taking a much longer view than other schemes we have seen. New buildings respect the scale of the Power Station and allow it to continue to exist as an urban monument. The listed Victorian pumping station is also retained. (We would hope of course to see social housing of various kinds as well.)

We also feel that the SAVE/Allies & Morrison scheme is consistent with our proposal to divide the two sites, with the Power Station put into a trust. Indeed, the SAVE/Allies & Morrison scheme might be facilitated if this was done. There is a strong commercial case for SP Setia to put the Power Station into a trust. As a predominantly public building it becomes a “draw” raising the profile of the adjacent commercial site. But at the same time, SP Setia would not be responsible for looking after the building or making it work commercially.

Much of the inflated price of £400m is predicated on having to pay for the “restoration” of the building. This in turn will lead to the over-development of the surrounding site; as we have already seen with the widely condemned Vinoly outline permission. If the obligation to look after the listed building is taken away from SP Setia, then perhaps some height reductions can be negotiated, to the scale A&M propose? Some funding could plausibly come from the HLF instead, the popular Battersea Power Station being a worthy recipient of public money.

There is a further question you should take up with central government, namely the financing of the Northern Line extension. Battersea Power Station Community Group is sceptical as to the necessity of this line, given the two overground stations, plentiful buses etc. But if it is to happen the new owners should not be expected to make a £200m contribution toward the cost of it. The public good here is the preservation of and public access to Battersea Power Station. The new owners should not be encumbered with the additional cost of funding a tube contribution as well.

Surely then, this is an opportunity for English Heritage to influence the future of Battersea Power Station. But there is little time as only 28 days – the ‘due diligence’ period – has been allowed for negotiations. The building is still standing, another over-development has collapsed – as predicted – and the threat to demolish the chimneys is no longer imminent. And there are very positive and possible ideas to save Battersea Power Station as outlined above. With all these factors before us, now would seem to be a good time to meet.

Yours sincerely,
Keith Garner
for Battersea Power Station Community Group
E-mail: keithwgarner@btinternet.com

cc Mr Paul Appleton Allies & Morrison
Brian Barnes MBE BPSCG
Mr Marcus Binney SAVE Britain’s Heritage
Dr Catherine Croft Twentieth Century Society
Lord Alf Dubs

Answer came there none.

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Book launch of Ruff’s new book; A Towering Flame: The Life & Times of ‘Peter the Painter’

The Latvian version of Philip Ruff’s new book, A Towering Flame: The Life & Times of ‘Peter the Painter’, will be launched on the 16th August at Dienas Gramata. Phil’s book is the basis for Spectacle’s English/Latvian co-production project. ‘Siege


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HSBC guilty but walk free, Shaker Aamer innocent but still in Guantanamo.

You get the justice you can afford…

According to the media, the City of London’s reputation has been severely damaged by HSBC’s money laundering scandal. What rubbish. It’s favourable services offered to the drug dealing and terrorist communities is precisely what gives the City its “competitive edge.” However, the City of London’s competitors may be a little more squeamish (or tightly regulated) to profit from such rich pickings.

So what happens to those caught red handed abetting Al Qaeda and drug dealing organisations?  They resign, say sorry and promise not to do it again.

HSBC Holdings Plc (HSBA)’s head of group compliance, David Bagley, was faced with charges that HSBC gave terrorists, drug cartels and criminals access to the U.S. financial system by failing to guard against money laundering. The result; Bagley stated at a Senate hearing that he will step down. He has also been told to release a formal apology.


Compare this to how people like Shaker Aamer are treated. Shaker, a completely innocent man cleared for release but, even today, still stuck in  Guantanamo in a nightmare limbo. He had been  extraordinarily rendered from Afganistan, tortured and imprisoned for more than 10 years without trial or access to his family.

You can watch Spectacles new film on Shaker Aamer’s story here and sign the petition here.

You could also compare it to how ‘rioters’ were treated following the London riots in August 2011. Mother-of-two Ursula Nevin,  was jailed for five months for receiving a pair of shorts that had been looted from a city centre store, and Nicholas Robinson was jailed for six months for stealing a case of water worth £3.50.

So when the media talk about restoring the “City’s reputation” what they mean is restoring the cosy myth of decent trustworthy pinstripped chaps simply being better at “invisible exports” than their counterparts in Paris, Amsterdam, New York or Frankfurt. The big mistake, as was the case for Ursula Nevin and Nicolas Robinson, was being caught. The real loss of reputation is among the drug cartels and terrorists. Can they really trust the City of London to keep their operational secrets?

One wonders what the reaction might be if the bank and bankers in question were Islamic, or from say Iran or Gaddaffi’s Libya. Would it be a completely different story…?

Spectacle has made a short film about Shaker Aamer to mark the 10th anniversary of his incarceration. Watch Spectacle’s new video on Shaker Aamer and please sign the petition @ www.freeshaker.com. Get him out of Guantanamo!

Order Spectacle’s DVD Outside The Law: Stories from Guantánamo

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Routes into film direction: live Q&A

Mark Saunders is taking part today between 1-3pm in a live Q&A with a panel of filmmakers to answer questions about working as an independent filmmaker on @GuardianCareers.

Follow the link to ask your questions.


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