Police State Tactics in Toronto: Call for Support

Signatories sought for appeal against Canadian authoritarian policing strategies:

We believe it is urgent to respond to the police actions in Toronto duringthe G8/G20.  We are writing to invite you to sign on to The Toronto Call. We are hoping to get signatures from trade unionists, faculty, students, community activists, legal workers and cultural workers among others (including those arrested and detained around the G20).   We believe it is possible to shift the terms to debate, and to shine a spotlight on the abusive police practices during the G8/G20.  But we need your help to do that.

Please sign on and circulate the call widely to friends, colleagues, allies and networks who might be willing to sign.

If you want *TO SIGN ON, PLEASE WRITE TO* TheTorontoCall@gmail.com and with your name, affiliation (as you would want it in the final version) and which category you prefer to be placed in (trade unionists, faculty, students, community activists, legal workers, teachers, cultural workers, arrested and detained)  if we decide to arrange signatures in that format.  We ask you to sign on as soon as possible.  We will continue *collecting signatures until Monday, July 5 at 6:00pm* but may publish versions if it becomes useful to do so before that time.

*NOTE:* Please feel free to place a  * beside your institutional affiliation if you want indicate you are signing in a personal capacity

Thanks very much – please pass the message on …

Follow this link for a bit more information on what happened:


The comments here: http://wmtc.blogspot.com/

And here is a little information on the G20 itself:


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