Media Poverty Representation

One of our key issues is representation of poverty in the media.

How are people in the poorest areas represented? Are they shown to be stupid? Uncultured? Lacking in future aspirations? Are white and ethnic minority people represented differently?

Is the stereotype of your typical person lying in poverty, clad in a hoodie, strutting down the street with a stuttered stagger in his step, blazing the latest Jay-Z record from their phone whilst their oversized gold pendants dangle loosely about their person? Or is this just what the media like to portray?

How far from the truth is this?

The Causes of Poverty

Conservative Party Leader David Cameron has said:

“We have to think about the causes of poverty.  We have to disaggregate the problem – to look at the various types of poverty that exist, and the factors that contribute to them.

Because for most people, material poverty is a consequence of other factors. Family breakdown, drug and alcohol addiction, unemployment, poor education…”

Do you agree with these factors being the key reasons behind poverty?  Have you a personal experience of these factors?

Poverty and Media Workshop # 3- August 7th & 8th

Poverty and Media Workshop 2- 7th & 8th August

Our next video workshops for the ‘Poverty and Media’ project will be taking place next weekend on the 7th and 8th of August.

The workshops will be held between 10am and 4pm at 110 Union Road, Stockwell, SW8 2SH

Nearest Overground station: Wandsworth Road
Nearest Underground station: Stockwell

You can find a map of the location here on Streetmap.

If you’d like to attend this event, please contact us via our Contact Form

For more information on the workshop Poverty and Participation in the Media

If you would like to suggest issues for discussion please add to the comments.

Poverty and Media Workshop # 2 – August 5th and 6th

Our next video workshops for the ‘Poverty and Media’ project will be taking place next weekend on the 5th and 6th of August.

The workshops will be held between 12 noon untill 5pm at Marsh Farm Outreach
The address of the venue is: CERC Building, Northwell Drive, Marsh Farm, Luton, Bedfordshire, LU3 3QB

You can find a map of the location here on Streetmap.

If you’d like to attend this event, please contact us via our Contact Form

For more information on the workshop Poverty and Participation in the Media

If you would like to suggest issues for discussion please add it to the comments.

Active Archive

If you find anything interesting on the Spectacle Archive page and want to contribute logging, translations, suggest links or discuss the content please make a comment here.

We will open new pages and categories for each archive entry as and when requests or comments are made. So we can do this please and to help others join in the discussion always site the catalogue reference found at the bottom of each archive page when referring to archive material.


Catalogue No. EXZEB – DVD – en – pal

If the video has time code on screen then please cite these for specific references.

A video or DVD with Burnt In Time Code ( pronounced BIT-C) will have BITC in its catalogue number e.g.

Catalogue No. BATTPW001 – BITC – en – pal

You can also register yourself as a contributer by contacting us.

Poverty and Media Workshop # 1- August 2nd & 3rd

The first ‘Poverty and Media’ video workshops are taking place this weekend on Saturday 2nd and the Sunday 3rd of August.

They will run from 12 noon through to 5 o’clock

The venue for this event will be: Pepys Community Forum – Unit 2 Victoria Wharf, Grove Street, Deptford, London SE8 3QQ (Telephone: 020 8694 3503).

If you’d like to attend this event, please contact us via our Contact Form.

You can find a map of the location here on Streetmap.

For more information on the workshop Poverty and Participation in the Media

If you would like to suggest issues for discussion please add to the comments.