Oral History

Quand les papiers arrivent…

Make yourself comfortable. Give yourself a few minutes to listen to what these people would like to tell us. This film is a succession of portraits of ‘Paperless’ people. The ‘Paperless’, the ex-‘Paperless’  and also their Belgian loved-ones answer the main question- “When the papers arrive, what would change in your lives? ” All of […]

Olympic Stories: Clays Lane

Clays Lane housing co-operative, situated in the future Olympic Village in Newham, is facing an inevitable eviction. This is the story of Clays Lane residents and their claim for fair treatment. Please get in touch using our contact form if you would like to screen this film publicly.

Globalisation, Citizenship and the European Project

Filmed during annual INURA (International Network for Urban Research and Action) conference in 2000, Brussels with Riccardo Petrella, founder of the ‘Lisbon Group’ and one of the founders of the World Water Alternative Forum. Riccardo PETRELLA, conseiller auprès de la Commission Européenne, enseigne l’économie à l’Université Catholique de Louvain. il préside également l’Association des “Amis […]