Active Archive

What’s new in the archives?

Spectacle has an extensive and ever growing video archive. The archive covers a range of social and urban topics from 1979 to the present day. We also provide a research service. Spectacle offers a sliding scale of rates subject to usage and terms of contract. For enquiries regarding our archive please e-mail

If you find anything interesting on the Spectacle Archive page and want to contribute logging, translations, suggest links or discuss the content please make a comment here.

We will open new pages and categories for each archive entry as and when requests or comments are made. So we can do this please and to help others join in the discussion always site the catalogue reference found at the bottom of each archive page when referring to archive material.


Catalogue No. EXZEB – DVD – en – pal

If the video has time code on screen then please site these for specific references.

A video or DVD with Burnt In Time Code ( pronounced BIT-C) will have BITC in its catalogue number e.g.

Catalogue No. BATTPW001 – BITC – en – pal

You can also register you as a contributer by contacting us.

What’s new on the archives?

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